Sep 16, 2022
The engine of a Ford Mustang

Image via Pixabay.

The transmission is one of the most critical parts of your vehicle. Ignoring or putting off a transmission repair can wreak havoc on other essential vehicle systems. If you’re certain that your Ford vehicle is in need of a transmission repair in West Liberty, KY, then you may want to consider scheduling an appointment with Hutch Ford right away. If you’re unsure, read on to learn the key signs of a faulty transmission and what your local Ford dealer can do for you.

Signs Your Ford Needs a Transmission Repair

Burning Smell

A burning smell while driving or coming from the hood of your vehicle can be a sign your transmission is overheating. This overheating is usually caused by friction within the transmission. The transmission uses a special fluid that is used to lubricate it and keep things running smoothly. Over time and mileage, this fluid may begin to leak or burn up within the transmission – causing friction and burning smells.

Strange Neutral Noises

Another sign of a faulty transmission is a strange noise while in neutral. These noises could be an indication you are in need of new transmission oil, or it could mean the transmission is worn out and needs replacing. These noises may be accompanied by a feeling of slipping or unresponsive gear shifting.

Slipping Gears

Slipping gears feel like a slow response to pressing down on the gas pedal. This symptom is caused by either a worn-down transmission clutch or low fluid pressure. When you feel your gears slipping, be sure to have your vehicle checked. Low fluid pressure is much less of a costly repair than a new transmission.


A grinding sensation while driving can be explained by a miscommunication between the transmission power output and the wheels. The transmission is not doing its job of sending adequate power to the wheels, causing this unsettling grinding feeling. If left unchecked, this can lead to not only further transmission damage but damage to other systems as well.

What a Ford Dealer Can Do for You

There are many reasons to go to a certified Ford expert when looking for repairs. They are experts in all things Ford. A third-party mechanic will have experience in a wide array of brands, but Ford mechanics are experts in Ford vehicles, giving your vehicle the best repair possible. Also, by going to a Ford expert, you are guaranteed to get the correct parts for your Ford vehicle.

Using third-party parts for repairs may work for some vehicle systems, but for a crucial system, like the transmission, using Ford parts is essential. Ford experts can also deliver peace of mind, knowing your vehicle is in capable hands.

Most car problems can be a simple and quick fix, but only if they are caught early on. Finding a Ford professional who is an expert in not only dealing but servicing Fords is crucial. So call or message Hutch Ford today to speak to Ford experts.